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  • With Derdriu under Imperial control, the Leicester Alliance ceases to exist, and its remaining lords ally themselves with the Empire. The Black Eagle Strike Force, having now conquered all of eastern Fódlan, confidently moves to invade the Kingdom.



  • Following the Alliance's defeat, the Black Eagle Strike Force prepares to invade the Kingdom, but the Kingdom's new allies—the Knights of Seiros—begin to make an advance of their own.

    After appearing in Ailell, the Valley of Torment, and following the border south, the Knights of Seiros openly march to recapture the monastery at Garreg Mach.

  • 奇襲

BATTLE - 加爾古‧瑪庫圍城戰

帝國軍併吞了同盟領,向統一芙朵拉這目標 邁進了一大步。其中最大的功臣黑鷲游擊軍 在加爾古‧瑪庫為接下來攻占王國一事作準備, 卻沒有察覺到敵人暗中接近的身影……