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  • The resistance army successfully takes Fort Merceus. Their victory celebrations are cut short, however, when javelins of light pierce the sky and destroy much of the fort.

    With nowhere else to go, the resistance army withdraws to Garreg Mach. Under the guise of surrender, they secretly prepare for a surprise attack on the Imperial capital.


Antes de la batalla

  • The resistance army, having finished preparations for their surprise attack on the Imperial capital, departs Garreg Mach.

    Along the way, they join forces with ally soldiers who had already secretly entered Empire territory. Together, they storm the streets of Enbarr, giving the Imperial army no time to counterattack.

  • En las calles de la capital imperial

Durante la batalla - Infiltrados en Enbarr

Dada su inferioridad numérica, el grupo concluye que el único modo de vencer al Imperio es una acción rápida. Así pues, se dirige a Enbarr, la capital imperial, para infiltrarse y atacar por sorpresa.

Tras la batalla