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  • The resistance army, having received reinforcements from House Daphnel in Ailell, is finally ready to unleash its invasion on the Imperial territories.


Antes de la batalla

  • Sights set on Enbarr, the resistance army avoids the Oghma Mountains, choosing instead to move south along the eastern route that passes through the Alliance.

    To make it safely through the territory of House Gloucester—supporters of the Empire—the army seeks help from the head of House Riegan, Claude.

    Claude vows to draw away House Gloucester's troops so that the resistance army can advance to the Airmid River—a dividing line between the Alliance and the Empire.

Durante la batalla - Batalla del Gran Puente

Tras detener el avance del Imperio, el grupo decide pasar a la ofensiva. Para ello deben capturar el Gran Puente de Myrddin, un punto estratégico que permite cruzar el río Airmid, que separa al Imperio de la Alianza.

Tras la batalla